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2023年07月24日 14:27


ChatGPT(全拼:Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer[2]))是一种先进的语言模型,具有更强的语言能力和知识范围,能够与用户进行更自然有效的对话。它是一个聊天生成型预训练变换模型简称ChatGPT,是由OpenAI开发的一个人工智能聊天机器人程序,于2022年11月推出。


爆火的 ChatGPT,对就业有什么影响? 用ChatGPT可以写雅思作文吗?


由于该模型目前为研究预览阶段,因此开放用户免费试用。目前,用户只需进行注册,就可开始与 ChatGPT 免费互动,ChatGPT 甚至还支持中文等多国语言,OpenAI暂时仅限部分国家注册,目前开放的国家有韩国、日本、印度、新加坡、美国。 目前中国大陆无法使用ChatGPT。同时,在使用ChatGPT前,需要手机短信接收信息,而目前大陆手机无法接收短信。











ChatGPT会取代一些机械化的工作,因为ChatGPT能模仿人的形式回答大量的信息类知识,也就是大量的只是机械性提供信息的工作将可以被ChatGPT取代。在雅思写作方面的应用上,以下为网传的一篇ChatGPT 80秒写出的雅思满分作文。这篇文章作为雅思写作水平比较基础的学生来说,还是有一定的参考价值,语言和内容都比较中规中矩,但很难说这是一篇满分作文,毕竟内容有机械化的痕迹。


Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want, while others believe governments should tightly control the use of fresh water as it is a limited resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The debate over the use of fresh water is a contentious one, with some individuals asserting their right to use as much of this vital resource as they desire, while others believe that the government should have control over its distribution and utilization. Both sides present valid arguments that are worth exploring.

Those who believe in the unrestricted use of fresh water argue that it is a basic human right to have access to clean and abundant water. They view water as an essential aspect of their lives and should have the freedom to use it as they see fit. This perspective is rooted in the belief that individuals should have control over their own lives and not be subject to government regulations, unless necessary.

On the other hand, those who believe that the government should control the use of fresh water argue that it is a finite resource and must be managed carefully to ensure that future generations have access to it. They believe that the government has a responsibility to preserve the environment and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources, including water. In their view, the unrestricted use of water would lead to its overconsumption, depletion, and degradation of water sources.

Personally, I believe that the government should have control over the use of fresh water. While I acknowledge the importance of individual freedoms, I believe that the preservation of fresh water is a greater concern. Fresh water is a precious resource that is vital for life, and its unrestricted use could have devastating consequences on the environment and future generations. Additionally, the government has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens have access to clean and safe water, regardless of their economic status.

An example of this can be seen in the ongoing water crisis in Cape Town, South Africa. In 2018, the city experienced a severe drought that depleted its water supply to dangerously low levels. The government was forced to implement strict water restrictions, limiting the amount of water that each person could use. This measure was necessary to prevent the complete depletion of the city's water sources and ensure that the residents would have access to water in the future.

In conclusion, while both perspectives on the use of fresh water have valid arguments, I believe that the government should have control over its utilization. The preservation of this finite resource is crucial for the environment and future generations, and the government has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens have access to clean and safe water.

笔者认为,ChatGPT将会给白领工作带来一定的冲击。就像已经发生的工厂,银行柜台等机械化的工作被各类机器、智能设备取代一样,ChatGPT也必然会给提供知识和文案类的白领工作带来影响,也会使得一些只会机械化提供信息和知识的人丢去工作。 但是,人的大脑有着独一无二的优势,即理解沟通过程中获得非文字信息的能力,比如,察觉言外之意的能力, 根据问问题人的情况提供个性化内容的能力。人类随机应变和根据不同情况想出出不同处理方案的能力,ChatGPT恐怕无法实现。

ChatGPT的出现,意味着人工智能又达到一个新的高度。 白领们确实需更警惕,实际提升自己的能力,而不仅限于做一些简单机械化的工作。否者确实,工作很容易被取代,不论是被ChatGPT,还是其他类似程序取代。


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文章来源: summer
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