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2023年04月06日 10:31



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Written by Conor Grogan, Coinbase Strategic Manager; translated by czgsws.

2022 has been crazier on-chain than ever before. We've seen liquidations of over 60 million USD in a single transaction, transfers of over 5.3 billion USD in a single transaction, and Conor Grogan, Coinbase’s Strategic Manager, lists the top six “biggest” on-chain events of 2022. Here’s what BlockBeats has compiled and translated:

1. The Largest DeFi Liquidation

On June 18th, a multisig address starting with 0x2291 was liquidated for approximately 61 million USD on Liquity. The robot that liquidated the position received 359 ETH just from that single transaction. The liquidation amount was also 69% higher than the previous year’s largest liquidation.

2. The Largest Hack

On March 23rd, Ronin Bridge was hacked, and the attacker managed to steal approximately 650 million USD in funds (173,600 ETH and 25.5 million USDC) by controlling five of the nine private keys of the validation nodes (four Sky Mavis and one Axie DAO).

3. The Largest Fund Transfer

On May 6th, Binance transferred 5.31 billion BUSD from a cold wallet to a hot wallet, with gas fees of approximately 3 USD.

4. The Largest Gas Payment

On May 1st, tanked.eth set his gas HIGH to 45,556 Gwei during the Otherside mint period in the YugaLabs metaverse project, which led to him paying a staggering 16 ETH (about 45,200 USD) in total gas fees for two Otherside NFTs.

10 days later, tanked.eth sold the NFTs for 3.5 wETH and 8.59 ETH...

5. The Most Expensive NFT Sale

On February 9th, crypto artist Pak collaborated with WikiLeaks to release the dynamic NFT work "Clock" to raise funds for Assange's legal defense. It was eventually sold for 16,593 ETH (approximately 53 million USD) by AssangeDAO, which was the entire amount of funds raised by the organization after subtracting crowdfunding platform fees.

6. The Largest MEV Catch

On August 1st, an address starting with 0xB8Ef made a profit of $3,319,854.98 USD in a single transaction by paying the miner only $2,090.18 USD. This was a successful arbitrage between Uniswap V2 and V3 pools, and also the largest MEV catch captured by flashbots.



文章来源: 芙蓉财经网
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