2023年05月17日 09:36
牙买加元为牙买加法定货币。辅币为分。1牙买加元 = 100 分。此1分硬币为F.A.O粮农币;铝材质;1.22克重;直径21.1mm。正面主图为国名、发行年份和国徽图样。国徽图案显示了一对男、女阿拉瓦克人,男性执弓,女性手挽一篮菠萝,分立在盾牌两侧;盾面上绘有一红十字,其上镶嵌着五个金色菠萝,盾牌的纹饰是踞于皇冠和披风之上的鳄鱼,绶带上书牙买加民族格言"众族归一"。背面主图为面额、牙买加"国果"阿基果,也被称为"西非荔枝果"图样和"让我们生产更多食物"字样。
Jamaica is one of the island countries in the Caribbean Sea. Land area: 10,991 square kilometers. Population: 2.84 million (2017). Capital:Kingston. Governor:Patrick Allen; Prime Minister:Andrew Holness; In October 2011, he succeeded former Prime Minister bruce golding who resigned and became the youngest prime minister in Jamaican history.
Jamaica means "land of water and trees"; Originally inhabited by the Arawak Indians. Columbus came here in 1494; Spain claimed Jamaica as its colony in 1509 and renamed it Santiago. It was occupied by Britain in 1655. Spain officially ceded Jamaica to Britain in 1670. It became a British colony in 1866. Jamaica joined the West Indies in 1958. Withdrawal in 1961. Jamaica declared its independence on 6 August 1962. Joined the Commonwealth after independence.
Jamaica pursues an independent and non-aligned foreign policy, advocates the settlement of international disputes within the framework of the United Nations and opposes the use of force. It was twice elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. By the end of 2006, diplomatic relations had been established with 139 countries. On November 21, 1972, China established diplomatic relations with Jamaica.
Jamaica is one of the countries with the highest per capita debt in the world. In 2012, the national debt reached US$ 22.5 billion, accounting for 143% of its GDP. Tourism, mining, agriculture and emerging information technology services are the pillars of the national economy. Bauxite reserves rank fourth in the world, and it is also the fourth largest bauxite producer in the world. Jamaica has a relatively good transportation network; Kingston is a major transit point in the Caribbean Sea and the seventh largest natural port in the world. Free education is implemented in primary and secondary schools.
Jamaican dollar is the legal tender of Jamaica. The secondary currency is Cent. 1dollar = 100 cents. This 1 cent coin is F.A.O FAO currency; Aluminum material; 1.22 grams; 21.1mm in diameter. The front main picture shows the country name, issue year and national emblem. The national emblem pattern shows a pair of male and female Arawak people, with men holding bows and women holding a basket of pineapples, separated on both sides of the shield; There is a red cross painted on the shield, with five golden pineapples inlaid on it. The decorative pattern of the shield is a crocodile sitting on the crown and cloak, and it is inscribed with the Jamaican national motto "All nations are one".The main picture on the back shows the currency denomination, Jamaica's "national fruit" Akiko, also known as "West Africa Litchi Fruit" pattern and the words "Let's produce more food".
Spain claimed Jamaica as its colony in 1509 and renamed it S...
不是虚拟货币可以赚钱吗 你身边有没有玩虚拟币的人。他们都有挣到钱了吗?
Spain claimed Jamaica as its colony in 1509 and renamed it S...
Spain claimed Jamaica as its colony in 1509 and renamed it S...
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Spain claimed Jamaica as its colony in 1509 and renamed it S...
Spain claimed Jamaica as its colony in 1509 and renamed it S...
Spain claimed Jamaica as its colony in 1509 and renamed it S...