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日期:2023年06月21日 03:10 浏览量:3

1. Introduction

If you are a tech enthusiast or someone who is looking to build a new computer, you might have come across the terms "NVMe" and "SATA". These are the two most commonly used storage protocols in modern computers. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of NVMe and SATA protocols from six different perspectives.


2. Speed

When it comes to speed, NVMe clearly outperforms SATA. NVMe uses PCIe lanes to communicate with the CPU while SATA uses the slower SATA bus. This means that NVMe drives can achieve read and write speeds of up to 3500 MB/s, while the maximum speed of SATA drives is around 550 MB/s.


3. Capacity

Both NVMe and SATA drives come in different storage capacities, but SATA drives are generally available in larger capacities than NVMe drives. This is because NVMe drives are relatively new and the technology is still being developed. However, NVMe drives are catching up quickly and we can expect to see larger capacities in the near future.


4. Power Consumption

NVMe drives are known for their low power consumption. This is because they use the PCIe lanes to communicate with the CPU, which requires less power than the SATA bus. NVMe drives also have features like L1.2 and Host Memory Buffer that allow them to consume even less power when not in use.

5. Compatibility

One advantage of SATA drives is their compatibility with older hardware. SATA drives have been around for a long time and are compatible with almost all motherboards and other hardware. On the other hand, NVMe drives require a PCIe Gen3 x4 slot to function properly. This means that they might not be compatible with older hardware.

6. Price

NVMe drives are generally more expensive than SATA drives. This is because the technology is relatively new and the manufacturing costs are still high. SATA drives, on the other hand, have been around for a long time and the manufacturing costs have come down significantly. However, the price gap between NVMe and SATA drives is decreasing rapidly.

7. Conclusion

From the above discussion, it is clear that NVMe drives have several advantages over SATA drives. They are faster, consume less power and have a smaller form factor. However, SATA drives are still a good option for those who are looking for larger capacities and compatibility with older hardware. Regardless of which protocol you choose, it is important to remember that both NVMe and SATA drives are capable of storing large amounts of data securely and reliably.

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nvme协议和SATA协议(nvme协议和sata协议ngff)文档下载: PDF DOC TXT

标签: drives nvme sata

文章来源: summer
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